Post Punk Tuesday

Deceits – Guiding Light

The Los Angeles based band write that “Guiding Light was inspired by the search for hope during dark times and takes musical cues from The Chameleons and The Danse Society.” It certainly echoes to the sounds of my younger years and I hope this fine retro sounding track guides those new to the sound not only to Deceits fine back catalogue but also to find the time to explore the aforementioned bands discographies too.

Sans Retour – Fading Away

Sans Retour are a new coldwave act from Strasbourg, France. Fading Away is the first song the band, well solo project, have posted and this demo promises some fine things ahead. Synth driven with some strong vocals it manages to sound fresh despite it’s historical influences.

st///ll – Darkened Eyes

st///ll write that they are three like minded brothers in arms from Brighton, Worthing and somewhat further afield, Cork. There are hints of Red Lorry Yellow Lorry in the band’s sound whilst the vocals are expansive sounding, slotting alongside the driving guitars and drums perfectly. Sullen yet melodic. A good match!

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