The Stammer – Burden On The Living

Philadelphia’s The Stammer return with a new EP called Burden On The Living after a couple of years away. And what a return. The title track is the place where jangle-pop meets post-punk. The words are heartfelt which comes as no surprise given the song deals with a friend dying suddenly in a hospital.

Whilst the song predates the current pandemic it’s sad scenario that has been repeated across the globe this past year.

Happier times follow on Wishing Well which is about catching up with friends – what a post-lockdown Party that will be eh? Final track Heaven is a slower, sombre but still melodic affair. Part sad core, part indie rock it’s a fine way to end the EP as vocalist/guitarist Brian Brotman sings “and I saw heaven, watching the lights burn out from your house”. More telling words.

Burden On The Living is out now on 10″ vinyl and digital formats. It can be purchased from here.


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